Male Individual Ranking 2024-25

NameSchoolSeason Race Point Total*Rank
Edoardo LeoneUCLA51
Nicholas DornStanford142
Simon PhippsCal Poly173
Oliver PilonCal Poly214
Scott OsheaUC Davis255
Dmitriy MajorUCSD276
Hugh SaulsburyUC Berkeley287
Colter PurcellCal Poly328
Kyle MillerStanford429
Jacob WolfUCSD4610
Trent JohnsonUC Berkeley5211
Daniel SchwedockUCSB6312
Connor LoganUCSB6313
Lorenzo MagniStanford6614
Jacob LebovitzUC Berkeley7015
Jason De HaaffUC Berkeley8116
Ryken ThompsonCal Poly8117
Thomas CuvillierUSC8418
Jasper ZhouUC Davis9019
Jeremy McCullochStanford9420
Justin TongSDSU9621
Keaton HoltUCSD10522
Nick BernalSDSU10623
Sidney ShaskanUC Berkeley14124
Kalani DanielUCSD14425
Stamatis FrangoulisSDSU14926
Jeremy ShekUCSD16727
Noah SniderUCSD17428
Jude MaesUCSB18129
Evan MargiottaUCSB18130
Philip Kovelman-OttilieUC Santa Cruz18931
Miguel ReyesSDSU20632
Daniel WuSanta Clara University21233
Jacob NiyazovUCLA21534
Ian SchaubCal Poly21535
David WetzlerSDSU23736
Gavin RoseCal Poly25137
Logan KingUCSD27638
Diego Freeman-GarciaUC Santa Cruz28139
Jack KumashiroUC Berkeley28140
Azure SuedaUCI29141
David BroomUCSB30842
Raul TabaresUCI30943
Austin LiuUCLA34944
Jack HerveyUC Davis37345
Matthew OzarkSanta Clara University39346
Ben SchroederUCI40647
Lucas AngierUCLA42248
Beloved MainaUCSB46849
Evan FigueroaUCSB46850
Malo RaballandUC Berkeley47351
Crisostomo DunnUC Berkeley49152
*These rankings are as of 3-14-25 and are based on the races completed thus far in the season. Current rankings are based on season race points which comes from each individaul's 3 best in-season combined race (Classic + DL) + MTS performances:
In addition, in case of a tie the ranking is based on the MTS results and if a athlete is not ranked and/or has a #NUM! sign, it means the team has not had individual points in at least 3 races + MTS.